
Georgia Marine Forecast

Georgia Marine Forecast - Lows in the upper 30s. Northwest winds around 5 mph. Thursday. partly sunny in the morning, then clearing. West winds 5 to 10. This forecast is for a single location. View accurate savannah wind, swell and tide forecasts for any gps point. Customize forecasts for any offshore location and save them for future use. Forecast information for a larger area can be found within the zone forecast and the ndfd graphics. The forecast conditions at a particular point may not exceed the criteria of a. . synopsis for the coastal waters of south coastal south carolina and north coastal georgia. A weak storm system will pass mostly to the south on monday, followed by more. Tonight nw winds 10 to 15 kt. Seas 3 to 4 ft, building to 4 to 5 ft after midnight. N 3 ft at 4 seconds and ne 2 ft at 12 seconds, becoming nw 3 ft at 4 seconds. Sunny, with a high near 57. Brunswick, ga current weather including wind direction, wind speed, water tempature and more. Zone area forecast for coastal waters from savannah ga to altamaha sound ga out 20 nm. including grays reef national marine sanctuary

Lows in the upper 30s. Northwest winds around 5 mph. Thursday. partly sunny in the morning, then clearing. West winds 5 to 10. This forecast is for a single location.

Georgia Marine Forecast